Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Planet Panorama

This is a panorama of one of the environments my planet will contain. The ecosystem that is displayed contains a few very important creatures that all play their part.

Primary Producers: Liliac Blooms are the producers, and are characterized by their quantity and petals. They not only produce energy by absorbing light from the nearest sun, but also gather energy and power from the crystals that contain magical power. This is in turn, passed onto whoever consumes it.

Pollinator: Jeweled Flapper Bugs drink the sweet nectar from the flowers which gives their chitin shell a nice sleek shine like a jewel, giving them their name. They also pass pollen from flower to flower as they feed off of the nectar.

Primary Consumer: Ruby Eyed Igunara are the primary consumers, scurrying around and hunting flapper bugs to feed off of. They are very fast and are equipped with tongues that can not only sense vibrations from approaching predators or nearby prey, but their tongues are sticky to aid in hunting and also maneuvering their environment.

Secondary Consumer and Decomposer: Gargantuan Death Worms are named after their size and appearance rather than reality. They mostly prey upon small consumers such as the igunara and are known for digging holes deep underground. Their reproduction cycles take very long periods of time, and only emerge when prey is plentiful, otherwise stay deep underground for most times of the year. Their digestion is crucial to redistributing nutrients back into the soil. They say that every time a gargantuan death worm is killed without having laid any offspring, it foretells of a very harsh season for flora and fauna in that area, as worms usually stay in their respective territories, migrating being very rare.

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